Thomas James Just a geek.

Technology, Gadgetry, Photography and Software Development

Hi, I’m Thomas James.

I’m a geek and professional software developer. When I’m not at work I spend most of my time online, between reading technology blogs, browsing stack overflow / stack exchange and writing software. I’ve been writing software since I was able to use a computer, starting with basic and then progressing up to C on RedHat linux 5 before getting my degree in Information Technology. Since then I’ve been writing software in Singapore & Australia.

In my professional life I’m a passionate Microsoft.Net C# developer writing anything between data exchange applications, web forms and mvc applications. I also spend a lot of my time mentoring developers, setting policy/procedure and passionately improving software development capability.

I’ve given one-or-two talks to the local university, QUT, and in the spirit of continuous improvement in the public speaking, I’m always happy to give more talks on anything I’m passionate about.

I attend the YOW developer conference and nights here in Australia whenever I can and I’m always interested in the latest technology.

I support and use Open Source Software.